P. S. After I Love You
Stories, fairytales and movies have just ruined the meaning of a romantic relationship. No one tells us what happens after “And then they lived happily ever after!” or after Simran successfully runs and catches the train to pursue her love interest.
What happens after we say “I love you” & “I love you too”? How do we make that relationship work? Why do epic love sagas have to be the ones that end in death (think Heer-Ranjha, Laila-Majnu!)? What happens after Cupid gets another job, the violins go out of tune, and the roses wither?
We try to find all the answers in ‘P.S. After I Love You’, an OfSpin Original created by Heer Khant. REAL questions, REAL people, REAL answers, so we don’t fuck it up! GListen every Thursday on all podcast platforms (Link to all here).